
If you do not want to render the scene to an image but would rather triangulate it. Use the polygonize command for ftc.

You have a number of settings available to customize the triangulation:

  • grid_size. This defines the area of the scene which gets triangulated. A value of 1.0 (the default) will triangulate from -1.0 to 1.0 in the x, y and z axis. So the actual area which gets sampled is actually double the grid_size.
  • grid_step_size. The step size in the grid, the smaller the more triangles will get created. The default value is 0.01. You will probably need smaller values for complex objects.
  • iso_value. This value defines the triangulation threshold in the volume field, the default value is 0.006.

You can define these values in the settings structure like this.

settings.grid_size = 0.5;           // Sample from -0.5..0.5.
settings.height = 0.005;            // A sample every 0.005 units.
settings.iso_value = 0.001;         // Set the sampling threshold to 0.001