
Use booleans to merge, subtract and intersect shapes with each other. These boolean operations come with quite a few options and operators.


You can merge two shapes by just adding them:

let sphere1 = Sphere(1.2);
sphere1.material.rgb = F3(0.3);

let sphere2 = Sphere(1.2);
sphere2.position.x = 1.0;

sphere1 += sphere2;

Add Add

The shape on the right is added to the shape on the left. This is actually the default operation for shapes, however you will need it when you want two add two shapes and then for example subtract them from another shape (together).


You can also add a smooth factor by adding a Smooth operator:

sphere1 += Smooth(sphere2, 0.2);

Smooth Add Smooth Add

The higher the smoothing factor the smoother and larger the shapes will become.


Another operator is Groove which adds a positive groove to sphere1 where it intersects sphere2:

sphere1 += Groove(sphere2, 0.08, 0.2);

Groove Add Groove Add

The first argument defines the height of the groove and with the second you can model its width. The groove operator is a very useful tool for adding detail.


You can subtract two shapes like this:

sphere1 -= sphere2;

Subtract Subtract


And with a smoothing factor applied:

sphere1 -= Smooth(sphere2, 0.2);

The higher the smoothing factor the smoother the subtraction will become.

Smooth Subtract Smooth Subtract


The Groove operator can also be used for subtraction:

sphere1 -= Groove(sphere2, 0.08, 0.2);

Groove Sub Groove Sub


Intersection works similar:

sphere1 &= sphere2;

Intersection Intersection


And with smoothing:

sphere1 &= Smooth(sphere2, 0.2);

Smooth Intersection Smooth Intersection